About my classes

Do you want to increase flexibility? Improve posture? Burn calories? Feel more relaxed?

Vinyasa style yoga suits;

  • Sports people who want to gain greater flexibility and balance
  • Those recovering from injuries
  • Those new to yoga
  • Those who want to increase body strength and improve joint mobility

Vinyasa is the Sanskrit word meaning to ‘place carefully’. Essentially it is a series of poses linked with sun salutations so you are moving in almost a dance like way throughout the majority of the class. Great emphasis is placed on the inhale and exhale to guide you in and out of the poses.

Vinyasa is suited  to all levels and to those who enjoy a more movement based yoga. The class will incorporate forward folds, twists, inversions and backbends to improve your flexibility, bring you  greater physical awareness, strength and understanding of alignment and breath work.

Here are some benefits of this class:

Increased Flexibility: A gradual loosening of the hips and hamstrings will lead to a better alignment of the spine meaning aches and pains will start to disappear and posture will improve greatly.

Joints: Each time you practice you take your joints through their full range of motion this can help prevent degenerative diseases by squeezing and soaking areas of cartilage that aren’t normally uses.

Relaxation: Each class will provide relief from the busyness of modern life and a turning in of the senses meaning you will feel more relaxed, less stressed and have improved sleep.

Be prepared for a journey!  The classes are quite powerful both physically and sometimes mentally! I like to use yoga philosophy sprinked through the class plus alignment to get you working deep into the poses. Don’t worry about these things below…..

  • I’m not flexible enough ( that’s not the point of yoga)
  • I’ve never done yoga before ( you should get started asap!) You will learn very quickly maybe after 2 or 3 classes you will feel comfy with the sequence.
  • I’m worried I won’t be very good at it. ( again not the point of yoga) Everyone starts somewhere and no one in my classes goes there to compare, it’s just you doing your own thing.

16 Comments on “About my classes

  1. I have been doing yoga on and off for over 10 years with lots of teachers. Gabrielle is the best. I love and understand yoga now more than ever.

    • Thanks Jess I hope to see you out our way once you move to Island bay your were built for yoga girl….. wednesdays 9:15?

  2. A year or two ago a good friend of mine suggested I would enjoy Gabrielle’s yoga class. Detecting a little envy and some respect while being told that the instructor was in amazing shape, looking much younger than she was, I thought there must be something to this. So, keen to try new things and not really knowing what to expect I wandered down to the Paremata Boat Shed at 6:30 PM one Monday evening. Before the class I had completed a 6 km run on a treadmill, having no knowledge of yoga and naively thinking it would be a breeze. I got half way through the class and with very little energy left contemplated quitting; I persevered and remember feeling amazing afterwards. Quickly labelled “New Guy” I continued to practice and have forged a genuine love of Yoga. I always feel better after practice, and have noticed a big improvement in my flexibility and balance.

    I enjoy the yoga philosophy, stories, anecdotes and humor Gabrielle sprinkles through the class.

    Give it a go, your body and mind will benefit from it and you may even become as addicted to it as I am.

    • That’s the best comment Jason. I laughed and I read it hours after my house had been ransacked and burgled, it’s so lovely to return to the goodness, puts everything into perspective

  3. Gabrielle is a wonderful Yoga teacher. Her classes are motivating and uplifting. I always leave feeling lighter and relaxed. I have noticed increased flexibility and general health and well being! I highly 5***** recommend!

    • Hi Johanna I have really loved having you and Aaron in class if you are not there or only one of you it’s like my arm’s been chopped off. Keep up the practice!

  4. Calm thoughts, relaxed breathing, mind power and a great core strength. I have done many sports over the years and if I was asked to recommend one thing, it would be Yoga with Gabrielle.
    Anyone can do it, all you have to do is start!

  5. No matter how I feel when I arrive at the Boatshed on a Monday night- I ALWAYS feel so much better when I leave there. This class manages to reduce stress, increase flexibility and push my mind and body in directions that I didn’t think possible! I would definitely recommend it to anyone.

    • Oh Robyn so good to see you out practicing on a night like last night, that requires dedication and dedication will always carry you through…….keep it up:-)

  6. Well… Where do I begin the love I have for power yoga and Gabrielle is intertwined, I’m new to it 5 to 6 months. I needed something to regain my physical strength which has been depleting with age and children. I was reluctant to try it as I’m a bigger girl who is not into obsessing about losing weight and changing my body and didnt want something that focused on that. Have to say thou the kilos do come off and i love building muscles. But I hate not feeling strong and I’m so not flexible so I gave it a go.
    Well I just love it! I especially go to Gabrielle classes, she is helpful,
    Wise, funny, knowledgable, but mostly she cares, she cares about yoga and she cares about people. So no matter your body shape, your abilities or age
    I so recommend going to Gabrielle class.

    • Hey Jenni love having you in class looking forward to spending some more time with you soon getting down on the yoga floor!

  7. Hi Gabrielle – yesterday I was at your 9:30am class at Abundance Studio and it was just perfect. I was very touched and moved through the camel pose where you spoke specifically during the poses of releasing unsaid things – I was personally blown away by how much I was able to stretch myself in this move during the class and the pose moved me to tears. I was also blown away as I noticed a huge change in the way I spoke yesterday – thank you so much for taking time during the class to gently and precisely explain the extra things about the poses. It was a transformative moment for me. You took the very first class I attended just over a year ago and as I only usually have one day a week I can attend a class I don’t get the opportunity to be at many of your classes. I just love how yoga has come along at a time in my life when it’s just perfect for what I need physically, emotionally and spiritually. Thanks for your contribution Gabrielle.

    • Those are really beautiful words Jenny and I could see it in your practice that you have put everything into what you were doing. This is where the change happens, for although I may be instrumental in some of your thoughts and actions it is definitely all coming from you and I wish you well, I was very touched by your comments… keep doing what you are doing. They say that if you don’t find some growth or change or even obstacle on your daily path you are on the wrong path.Namaste

  8. Namaste , I just happened to come across this website .. I an a Hindu and residing in India . It feels great that Yogasanas [ that is what it is .. do not understand why people want to call it as ‘Yoga’ ..]are getting accepted throughout the world . But I hope you do give the credit to its origins [India, Hindu & Vedas] and also make your students aware of it …

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